Ista’ Piyusut ha Dahun Sayng (Fish Wrapped with banana Leaves)

On weekends, to cook at home is a perfect time for busy people. There are people love to do experimentation in their kitchens if they like to eat food which is new to them. Perhaps if they don't have one, they would consult the recipe books, cull information on the internet or even ask from friends enable just to fulfil what they wish for the day.

After I posted last 3 days ago, I bought a grilled fish wrapped with banana in a nearby food stall. I ate them with white rice together with sour sauce mixed with unripe mango and then I put a little chilli to expand the deliciousness of sauce. After eating I got a pen then I jotted down all the ingredients and how to prepare it, so that, the visitors of this blog could taste and experience this sort of viand.

The grilled fish wrapped with banana leaves is not new to the world. There are people in some parts of the world continents use banana leaves to wrap rice, meat, fish and etc. To some countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, using banana leaves in cooking has become part of their cultures, because there are more benefits they could get out of it.

As have mentioned by Dellilah Patchouly* ; 

a) As there is no chemical reaction the food keeps its value intact, it can take heat and react well without tearing apart by the heat.

b) Tasting better has it is considered green leaf (adds value to food just like any other greens) and it contains the leaf taste to make it better. Easily manageable on heat."

The aroma of the banana when it grilled will permeate the meat of fish. It’s really delicious, try it.
Here are steps to do before to cook this sort of viand.
  • 1 kg. Big bodied round Scad (Tamarung) or any fish
  • 2 thumbs ginger
  • 2 thumbs turmeric
  • Black pepper (just estimate)
  • Vinegar (enough to wash the fish)
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Banana leaves
  • Bamboo stick
  • Salt

  • Clean the fish then wash with vinegar
  • Peel the spices then pound them
  • Pour all the spices including salt to the clean fish and then mix them with hand.
  • Tear banana leaves into desired sizes.
  • Divide the fish into a desired number then place them into tore banana leaves.
  • After dividing and placing the fish the next thing to do is wrap them.
  • Use bamboo sticks as a fastener on both tips of the wrapper.
  • Put them on a grill.
  • When the wrapped fish is already on the grill always turn them upside down to remove the water inside.
  • If the water from the inside stop dripping, the fish is already cooked.