The Parts of the Body

U - Head
Pusal - Crown of the Head
Buhuk - Hair of the Head
Tuktuk - Forehead
Kilay - Eyebrow
Piluk mata - Eyelash
Mata - Eye
Tau tau mata - Pupil of the Eye
Taynga - Ear
Ilung - Nose
Pisngi - Cheek
Simud - Mouth
Higad simud - Lip
Ipun - Tooth
Dila' - Tongue
Taku' - Chin
Gunggungan - Throat
Liug - Neck
Pugay - Nape of the neck
Taykud - Back
Daghal - Chest
Gusuk - Rib
Duru' - Breast
Abaga/Agaba - Shoulder
Iluk - Armpit
Siku - Elbow
Buktun - Arm
Tataklayan - Forearm
Lima - Hand
Pad lima/Siki - Palm of the hand/sole of the foot
Gulamay lima/siki - Finger/toe
Bakul Lima/Siki - Thumb/big toe
Kukku - Nail (of finger or toe)
Pusud - Umbilical cord/navel
Hawakan - Waist/waistline
Tiyan - Stomach
Hugpu' - Upper hip
Kamamau - Lower abdomen
Buli' - Buttock
Hita' - Groin
Paa - Thigh
Tuhud - Knee
Pinggan pinggan siki - Kneecap
Lukunan - Back of the knee
Bi'tis/bitis - The lower leg between the knee and the ankle
Bunga bunga - Calf of leg
Kanting - ankle
Buku buku - Ankle bone
Siki - Foot
Tikud tikud - Heel

Source: Tausug-English Dictionary Kabtangan iban Maana (Irene U. Hassan et. al) 
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