Thought on 2nd December

The unclear picture of
the founder of Sultanate of
Sulu Darul Islam
Way back in college, one of my instructors had proposed to me to conduct a research about Sultanate of Sulu issue particularly about the claim to North Borneo by the Philippines. Unluckily we failed to materialize the plan. Back then, I only have few ideas about Sultanate and zero percent about North Borneo issue. But despite of lacking information I also heard sometimes of Sultanate issue only I didn’t give much attention.

I began to give full interest with Sulu issue, when I met Tausug enthusiast about Sulu Sultanate. These guys were simple, typical Tausug personality with fervid concern over the plight of the Tausug in Sulu and in abroad.  These fellows I’m referring are the Tausug Globa Media (TGM) staffs, who considered by Abdul Samad as “Amateur Researchers” but have fervent stand towards peace, justice and the future of Sultanate of Sulu.

Almost every day since 2006 the discussion which serves as the daily nutrients of our minds is the Sultanate issue. With this topic we did hear mixed of untold and published history about Sulu; met with people who have different view of the issue; been to various places met with people who have deep concern over Tausug and Sulu. Through this experience, we did learn a lot and it taught us how difficult it is to defend a country to which you only have immature power - except the freedom to express thoughts and feelings.

In spite of our hectic schedules outside we can still immersed on the web for hours to post articles on blogs, to do research, reply comments on FB and chat boxes, chatting with friends and communicating with each other. This is 21st century; we must strive hard to give information via internet unless we would be seen in sidewalk bringing along banners which say negative messages to the enemy. Indeed, that isn’t our rhyme, we always do things jive with our interest. We are financially insufficient but we believe in the thinking “It is not money which moves us, it is from above”.  Our capital on this endeavor is sincerity and trust in God.
One of these days if our lives won’t permit us to accomplish the mission, what is important we already heard the content of the Assertion of Independence read last 17 November 2010. The rest of our unfinished task, Insya’Allah, would be continued by a people like Neldy, Asree, Hassan, Bening, Alsadar and Hj. Kerry. I thank Allah for having these people; despite of our differences we did learn a lot not only about our beloved homeland, Sulu Darul Islam, but including the sweetness of friendship and camaraderie.

Until now I myself am not yet fully inform about Sultanate of Sulu. I hope the Sultanate of Sulu shall be emerged soon as a superpower state to satisfy the craving inside this innocent soul.

By now, 02 December 2010 at 12:44 midnight, as I turn 34, I wish our future on this journey would still be filled with perseverance, courage, and trust in God.

I thank you Allah for being able to reach the year 2010. Without you I wouldn’t be here now sharing this thought.